Thursday, April 19, 2007

Why is Congree acting like Homer Simpson?

Come on and say it with me, NUCULAR. Admit it, its a guilty pleasure to know that you can pronounce a word that our President can't get right. Unfortunately, even though most of Congress can pronounce nuclear properly, it doesn't stop them from messing it up too. We have American and world leaders yelling from the rooftops about how we (which convienently doesn't include them) desperately need to stop using fossil fuels. Now I want to take a quick moment to remind you the Congress didn't need to subsidize Henry Fords production of the Model T in order to alleviate the high numbers of horse buggies in use at the turn of the century. Likewise, if Congress hadn't already placed so many barriers in the way of American business by the end of the century we wouldn't be talking about our addiction to Middle East oil. Its not like the US is lacking in technology and intellect, at least outside of Congress, but with out a literal act of Congress America cannot bring our considerable brainpower to bear on what is being touted as our single biggest problem. Every American should feel at least a little shame when told that France has better nuclear technology in place than the US does. There are currently designs for nuclear reactors that pose no possibility of a meltdown and produce many times the energy that an equivalent weight of coal produces. The Europeans have devised a method for reducing radioactive waste to ash that when used to create glass ingots completely eliminates the possibility of release of isotops into groundwater. So, what is Congress doing to help America harness the answer to our energy dilema? You guessed it! They are not only not helping us, they are standing firmly in our way. I don't want to explore the miriad excuses that the burrocrats may come up with for their gross negligence of science, lets leave it that unless someone actually harms someone else, the government has no business in our business or science for that matter.

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