Thursday, April 19, 2007

Outlaw the jerks!

I just want everyone to take a moment for a little mental exercise after listening to the brain deadening news coverage of the shootings at Virginia Tech. Everyone has heard the anti gun rhetoric some of you may even spout it religiously. Now for the exercise. Substitute the word jerk for gun. A 9mm jerk was used in the VT killings. This jerk had no business being on a college campus. In fact, there are laws in place forbidding jerks on school property.
I think that puts the problem into better perspective. Right wingers would be the ones on the bandwagon trying to push legislation through for stricter jerk control. While the leftists would be yelling and screaming about how you can't send out the stormtroopers to gather up people because someone reported that they were a jerk or maybe they were just hiding a jerk in their home. Could you imagine some Boulder hippie type out there chanting: "If you outlaw jerks then only outlaws will be jerks!" ?
Something gun cotrol advocates need to consider is that we live in a real world where there are jerks and guns. Getting rid of guns will not get rid of the jerks or the guns. What it will do has been illustrated in almost every school shooting, innocent, law abiding people will be killed at will by jerks with guns.
To both sides I would like to remind you that America is supposed to be a free society. Like anything else there are good points and bad points. This country represents unlimited opportunity and any thing that changes our basic rights affects that. We have to accept that the amazing benefits we get from living in a free society come at a cost. Sometimes that cost must be paid in blood.

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