Monday, July 11, 2005

Keep your eye on the ball!

American politics can be summed up with the following two words: shell game. The politicians try as hard as they can to get the voters to focus all of their attention on something other than the true objective of the game. Sometimes they give you sex scandals to distract you and other times they simply play with words to get you to think that what they are doing is going to be good for you. The whole idea of campaign finance reform is a great point for the latter. The politicians have more power than they should have, power to make or break people, companies and even countries. That power is a commodity that forms a market where it is bought and sold. The politicians play their little game with you though and sell you campaign finance reform which they tell you will take the money out of politics. They know that they are the problem but have sold you on the idea that money is the problem. Campaign finance reform is now law but it hasn’t taken a dime out of politics. Why? Because the power is still there and there is still a market for that power. The only way to stop the money is to take away the market which means taking away the power that the politicians have marketed for so long. The politicians have also sold you on the idea that making drugs illegal will make them go away. Has it? No, drugs are still available because there is still a demand for them and a very enthusiastic supply base. The only thing the "War on Drugs" has done is make drugs that are dangerous to their users dangerous to everyone around them. Last night I heard that prescription drug abuse has doubled in the last decade. Now abuse of Oxycontin and Ritalin is higher than abuse of cocaine and heroin combined. Which is the way they want it. They don't want you to not take drugs they just want you to take their drugs. For society in general, alcohol is more dangerous than any illegal drug. It causes more domestic violence, more car accidents and more health problems than any other drug out there. The politicians already tried to outlaw it once with disastrous consequences. The same problems this nation had with alcohol prohibition are the same problems we see today with drug prohibition. The politicians have sold us something much more dangerous than drugs, they have sold us the idea that the government can do something about them.

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