Friday, April 22, 2005

Communism = Evil

Why is communism evil? Evil, isn't that a bit harsh? Not at all, communism is in fact anti-freedom. It is not as people would have you believe, a way to control corporate greed, it is the complete lack of freedom. The basis for this is the fact that communism allows for NO personal property rights. If you don't have the right to your property or the product of your labors, what rights do you have. You can count them on one hand without using any fingers. That's right, zip, zero, nada. To use an extreme example, in the pre-Civil War south whites owned black slaves. While not all slave were treated well, they were still property and the slave owners had a stake in taking care of them because they were property. Contrast that slavery to the institutional slavery represented by communism. In that system you aren't even property you are merely a resource at the governments disposal. Take a resource like wood. You can build a house out of wood for shelter or you can burn the wood for heat. Either use of the resource gains benefits for you. As a resource to the government, you could be valued for your use as a doctor maintaining the health of other people or you could be worked to death in a mine. Both gain benefits to the government. Being a resource isn’t a nice prospect. From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs. That is the essence of the Communist Manifesto. It completely ignored the most basic human nature. If you don’t have to work for something but still get it, you don't work. Even better, if you can force someone to make something for you, you will do it. Needs easily become wants. Citizens who cry out the loudest gain the most value from that system and the most able people are worked to death. There is no incentive to be a good worker. People who advocate communism, socialism, or fascism are pushing the outright destruction of the most basic right you have, the right to the product of your labor.

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