Monday, November 01, 2004

Electile Dysfunction.

Tomorrow is election day. I have already voted thanks to Colorado being an early voting state. My brother was telling me that last weeks South Park forced Stan to choose between a douche bag and a turd. That pretty well sums up this election season. The two major parties keep hammering on people that they live in a two party system and if you don't vote for the turd or the douche bag that you are throwing your vote away. Well, I threw my vote as far away from their stink-fest as I could get. It used to be that you could count on the Republicans hold up against socialist tendencies, well not with Dubyah in office. That turd thinks that his religion encourages people to be their brothers keeper. Blinded by his religion he will skip merrily down the path to socialism. Kerry on the other hand doesn’t want to hide any of his socialist tendencies and has wheeled out a medical care program guaranteed to trash our medical system and our economy. Two birds with one stone, the guy has ambition. How are we as Americans going to fight socialism if our two major parties have signed on with the bad guys. Fighting back needs to start with the idea that you don't have to vote for the douche bag or the turd just because people tell you that they are the only ones that can win. Even if a third party candidate cannot win, they can hurt a major party candidates election odds and will get the attention of the major candidates when they lose the election because their supporters have defected to a third party that supports their issues. Politicians may not have enough sense to see the dangers of socialism on their own but if they lose enough of their support they may be throttled back to reality.

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