Saturday, June 26, 2004

Frog Cooking

I first read it in John Stossel's book Give Me A Break, then yesterday I heard it on the radio when Walter E. Williams (what a great American!) was guest hosting the Rush Limbaugh show. What was it? It's how to cook a frog. If you take a pot of boiling water and try to toss a frog in it, the frog knows to get out of that water as fast as it can. However, if you take a pot of cool water and place the frog in it, the frog is just fine. Then you can turn on the burner and gradually boil it. This way the frog doesn't realize that it will be dead by the time the water is boiling. America please pay attention because this is important. This is also how WE are LOSING our RIGHTS. If a brutal dictator were to emerge and try to take away all of our rights at once, Americans would not stand it and would fight back with everything they have. The politicians know that and have taken up frog cooking. Ask yourself, do you feel like you have as much freedom as when you were a kid? Sure, you still have a lot of freedom but the frog cooking has begun and the politicians will reach their goal eventually. Look around, why are libertarian movements becoming more popular? Because unlike frogs, Americans can feel the water heating up and do not want to be around when the water boils.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

The Government is Evil

Government really is a necessary evil but I think there are people who have forgotten, or in some cases never taught, that government is an evil. You'll hear people that think guns are evil, or that cars are evil or that drugs are evil. The reality is that they are just objects and are not capable of actual malice on their own. It takes people to create malice. The government is nothing but people who have a monopoly on the use of force. Is it possible to comprehend that if evil were anywhere that it would accumulate in government? Evil takes on many guises. Lack of informed thought gives evil a doorway into this world. The government we have now will promise many things that may sound like they mean well but instead they give reality to the phrase that the road to hell is paved in good intentions. What will it take to correct this abuse of power? It will take knowledge and it has been said that while suffering is unfortunate, fools will learn from nothing less. With so many people living off of the government rolls it may be impossible to create change merely through elections.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004


The expansion of government has produced a side affect. Government workers convinced the public and the Congress that government workers should not be subject to the political ebb and flow that surrounds new government officials being voted in and turning over entire administrations. They used the excuse that political lackeys would be used to fill valuable public servant positions and that by removing the political favoritism the government would better serve the needs of the public by retaining the best employees. The problem with that logic is that government positions are filled only when there is funding to that given department. These government workers organized into unions that use their considerable clout to forward the interests of the government union employees that they represented. Now instead of cutting departments that do not benefit the taxpayers the government employees influence elections and their agenda is to make sure that government always expands so they have job security. In the private sector thee only way employees exert that kind of pressure on a corporation is to own a majority of the shares and vote as a single voice in stockholder meetings. Must be nice to not have to buy into your voice and only have to convince other voters that your candidate has their interests in mind.

Friday, June 18, 2004

Calling General Pershing!

It has happened again. An American living abroad has been killed by Islamic militants attempting to forward their agenda. Along with the rest of America, and I should hope, the rest of the world, I extend my deepest sympathies to Paul Johnson's family and friends. The militants of Al Qaeda have taken the life of an innocent because their demands were not met. That does not mean that this should end here. Al Qaeda needs to be properly paid their due. I would call on the Saudi royal family to separate out half of their Al Qaeda prisoners, cover them in pig blood and organs and once they are guaranteed a one way ticket to Islamic hell then kill them by beheading them as is fitting for infidels. I would also call on the US government to track down the closest male relatives of each militant that contributed to Johnson's murder and castrate him so he can be a slave for eternity in the Islamic afterlife and then kill him. These ideas are not my own, the first closely resembles the way General Pershing dispatched Islamic militants in the Philippines, and the second is how the Russians dealt with the Iranians that kidnapped and killed Russian diplomats at the same time as the US hostage crisis in Iran. The fact that these ideas are not my own does not subtract from my enthusiastic endorsement of that brand of diplomacy. The left has one thing right, we really do need to understand the Islamic culture in order to deal with them. Pershing understood militant Islamists and so did the Russians. I think it is time to show the fundamental Islamists that we understand them and that we demand that they respect us.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

American Confidence Games

Yesterday I was looking at the Gallup Polls. They had a headline stating that the military has the highest confidence rating of the institutions that they poll for. I like the military so I kept reading. What I found was less than inspiring. Other top rated institutions included the presidency and the Supreme Court. Well down their list of fifteen institutions at number ten was Congress. In the bottom two institutions as rated in the peoples confidence are American Corporations. Let me get this straight. Have we become so indoctrinated in this country that we now trust our government that is by its very nature an organization that uses compulsion to extract wealth from the citizens, rather than corporations that embody the spirit of capitalism, who depend on voluntary cooperation to achieve their profits. The only time corporations can force anyone to do something that is not voluntary is when they can get the government to compel that person to do it. This country needs a serious wake up call. Government is not our friend. The government needs to be held as accountable or even more so, than our corporations do simply because of its use of compulsion to achieve its goals. Yes we have seen corporate scandals throughout American history but really people are corporations a bigger problem than our government in all its bureaucratic befuddlement? I don't think so.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Dubyah's Head

I hope that more people have captured the irony of Dubyah's eulogy of Ronald Reagan. In his remarks Bush the Younger implied that he admired Ron Reagan for his belief that government is the enemy. That takes some serious chutzpah! This is a man that let Ted "what happened to the effin girl?" Kennedy write the education bill, passed the Patriot Act, gave birth to the Department of Homeland Insecurity, and drove the prescription drug benefit through congress like a drunken trucker! Someone needs to call Bush's proctologist, because I am pretty sure he has found his head by now.